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Transformation Agenda

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Our transformation agenda includes:


  • Addressing artist unemployment, promote national unity and foster social consciousness by engaging and encouraging civic responsibility.


  • We believe that for the NACDF to be relevant, it must respond to, and improve the conditions of artists and youth who find themselves unable to participate meaningfully in the social and economic life of their country.


  • The success of the NACDF will therefore be measured by the extent to which it integrates the artists into the economy by providing them with appropriate and targeted business skills and opportunities.


  • The enormity of the task before us demands that our solution be properly conceptualized, as we can no longer expose our artists to yet other forms of fly-by-night interventions.


  • We aim to respond to the challenge of building character in artists by focusing on leadership, discipline, teamwork, volunteerism and infusing the love of one's community and country.


  • Tourism can be an engine of growth, capable of advancing and rejuvenating other sectors of the economy.


  • We endeavor to address the shortage of critical technical skills that have been identified.


  • Lastly, we aim to pay attention to the leadership, business and entrepreneurial skills that are necessary to navigate the stormy waters of the economy.



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